Mobile phones have become very pervasive.
Apple sold 4.1 macs in 4qtr 2010, 7.3 ipad, 9.1 ipod, 16.3 iphone : 35M mobile vs 4.1 laptops. mobile devices are outselling pcs for first time per IDC
Native vs HTML5 on mobile
Native app:
- great way to sell the app, join one of the app store (apple, andorid marketplace, amazon). they take care of credit card processing etc
- downside : vetting process
- have to learn a new language/platform
- basecamp mobile is html5, netflix on other side has an army of developers for each platform
change a website a bit to be mobile friendly*
- mobile resolution on phone is lower than desktop, tablets are closer
- css3 can do media queries : have css classes based on resolution and web vs mobile
- portrait vs landscape : css rules for portrait & landscape, cant force an orientation
- use html5 form elements ( can use in web as they all default automatically to string even in legacy browers)
- Modernizer library for detecting html5
- href elemnets like tel:, sms: ( similar to mailto:) ( maps apps open up just with href to google maps)
- touch & gesture events ( no hover events )
- remember to cancel default event (which is scrolling), can do on divs
change a website a lot to be mobile friendly
- Localviews, remote data, application cache, local storage
- Localviews : all “pages” are divs, all “links” show or hide divs, all data is “Ajax call away”
- application cache: has state, has programatic control
- local storage: survives browser reboots, session storage cleans on browser reboot
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